Tasty Juices Straight From Your Own Kitchen

Juicing is easy and quick. It allows you to get the vitamins and nutrients you can find in fruits and vegetables, in a drink. If you’re juicing already or just thinking about getting started, then the following paragraphs contain a number of ideas you can apply for easier and better juicing.

Try a masticating juicer. The juice made by these juicers retains more nutrients due to the gentle extraction method they use. When juice is produced in this manner, it has greater stability and can be stored more successfully.

Use the colors of your fruits and vegetables to help you figure out which nutrients they provide. Ranging from the vibrant greens to the beautiful bright reds, all these different colors of fruits and vegetables contain different minerals and nutrients. Using a wide variety of colors will give you a full range of nutrients and many exciting tastes.

When you drink juice for health, try using leafy greens like chard, broccoli, spinach, kale, parsley and more. The healthiest juice consists of fifty to seventy percent greens, the remainder being fruits or other vegetables to add flavor. Fruit juice generally contains more sugar than the juice from greens and usually isn’t as healthy for you.

It is helpful to store your juicer on the kitchen counter or anywhere in plain sight. This will keep you more aware of it and the fact that you need to use it regularly. When you keep it in your view, you will remember to use it more.

Let color guide you. Highly pigmented fruits and vegetables are often brimming with nutrition, from gorgeous greens to radiant reds and all the colors in between. These differences offer a well-rounded and balanced nutrition plan, along with a myriad of tastes.

It’s probably no surprise to you that fresh, homemade juices are beneficial for your health in a number of ways. The information in this article provides you with the foundation of knowledge you need to get out there and start experimenting with juicing on your own. Now is the perfect time to begin making healthy changes, and start using your juicer.

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