How To Defeat The Silent Killer, Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can be dangerous and affects people of different age groups. However, there are a great deal of individuals who have no idea how to get treatment and continue to have poor sleep at night. This article will provide you with tips concerning sleep apnea and helping to control your condition.

You can fight sleep apnea by giving up certain vices. Few things are worse for sleep apnea than drinking and smoking. Drinking suppresses your breathing and causes a lot of harm to your respiratory system. Smoking can cause swelling in the throat, which also restricts the airway during sleep. Getting rid of these bad habits can help to lessen the frustration that sleep apnea brings.

Do you smoke or sometimes drink? Get rid of behaviors that are not good for you. Smoking irritates your air passages, making them narrow. When you smoke it causes swelling in your airways, and when consuming alcohol, your airway muscles tend to relax. That causes the symptoms of sleep apnea to worsen. If you are unable to completely eliminate these habits, try to at least refrain from them in the hours directly before bed.

Don’t drink alcohol to excess. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on all your muscles. While this may be something you desire, it tends to create the problem of sleep apnea. Your throat muscles become relaxed and cause your airways to become blocked. If you absolutely have to have a drink, don’t do as much as you used to. And avoid having one close to bedtime.

If you sleep alone, you might have a hard time determining if you suffer from sleep apnea. Or you can record yourself as you sleep to look at your sleeping patterns. You need to include audio in your video because the doctor needs to hear the noises you make.

Weight loss can be a big help for those that suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is far more frequent in obese individuals with bigger necks. If you shed some pounds you will see that your airways will not be as constricted.

As stated in the introduction, sleep apnea is suffered by many people across the globe. You must educate yourself if you think you have sleep apnea. With some knowledge, this condition is tameable.

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